• Nilüfer / BURSA / TÜRKİYE
  • +90 224 888 0 782
  • info@stakalip.com.tr
About Us
Home \ About Us
Who are we?
• STA KALIP MAKİNA A.Ş. has been continuing its 15 years of experience of PİKOSAN METAL FORM A.Ş. in 2.200 m2 area.

• PİKOSAN LTD. ŞTİ., which was established in 2003, has been founded to produce automotive parts and molds.

• In 2018, PİKOSAN LTD. ŞTİ. change the business form into PİKOSAN METAL FORM A.Ş.

• PİKOSAN METAL FORM A.Ş. which saw the year 2018 in terms of capacity and development,
took another important step and found STA KALIP MAKİNA A.Ş.

Our Target
To provide a long and safe production process with the molds we produce in accordance with the requests of our customers without compromising on quality.
To keep up with the changing and developing world, by using the latest technologies, continuous improvement, efficient and better quality systems in production. To be among the leading companies in the sector by moving our quality to higher levels.
The value we give to the satisfaction of our customers and employees is reflected in our entire structure.